Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Brothers & Sisters 5.16 s05e16 5x16 Online (Season 5 Episode 16 Preview Spoilers)

Brothers & Sisters 5.16 s05e16 5x16 Online (Season 5 Episode 16 Preview Spoilers)
Nora and Sarah set out on a mission to bring Kitty home in the next episode of Brothers & Sisters season 5. Entitled Home Is Where The Fort Is, episode 16 airs on March 6 after a one-week absence to give way to the Academy Awards. Check out what's in store in Brothers & Sisters season 5 episode 16 (s05e16) from the following press release: Nora and Sarah fly out to Washington DC to "surprise" Evan for his birthday, but what they're really after is the truth behind Kitty's extended trip to the east coast. Meanwhile, Kevin

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