Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Desperate Housewives 7.16 s07e16 7x16 Online (Season 7 Episode 16) Preview Spoilers: Searching

Desperate Housewives 7.16 s07e16 7x16 Online (Season 7 Episode 16) Preview Spoilers: Searching
Susan learns that her dialysis is not working in the next episode of Desperate Housewives season 7. Entitled Searching, episode 16 airs on March 6 to give way to the Academy Awards next Sunday. Learn more about Desperate Housewives season 7 episode 16 (s07e16) from the following official synopsis/press release: Susan vows to get the most out of life when she learns that her dialysis isn't working and that, unless she receives a kidney transplant soon, she will die. Bree makes it her mission to find a kidney donor

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