Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

V 2.09 2x09 s02e09 Promo / Preview Spoilers: Devil in a Blue Dress

V 2.09 2x09 s02e09 Promo / Preview Spoilers: Devil in a Blue Dress
Check out the promo video of the next episode of V which came out today. V 2.09 2x09 is entitled Devil in a blue dress and it will air on March 8. Here are spoilers on what to expect in that episode: Anna is poised to activate the planet's first Blue Energy reactor, but Sid deduces that something else is afoot; Diana advises Lisa to strike against Anna now to save the humans from annihilation.

1 komentar:

  1. I was a little worried when Joshua had his memory flashback while Lisa was returning the Blue Energy. I wasn't sure if he'd turn her in or help her escape - thankfully, he helped her out. But I'm really nervous about what will happen with Diana... is she going to be a bigger evil than Anna was? Now, while I wasn't able to watch this on my big screen at home I was still able to watch it on my iPad which was pretty awesome. That's why I love being a DISH Network customer and employee - only DISH lets it's customers watch their live TV and DVR recordings on the go, without any restrictions or extra monthly fee. I highly suggest checking DISH out.
